While we are learning to live with a new normal as the coronavirus impacts our lives, are there also openings and opportunities to raise our resilience? Pam Ressler and Dr. Brian Stork discuss how we can help mitigate the fall out from the stress healthcare workers and others are under, as well as how we can continue to socially connect while we are physically distancing ourselves. What lessons can we learn from this massive social experiment of navigating a pandemic together.
Dr. Brian Stork is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urology at the University of Michigan. He practices in Muskegon, Michigan. His current area of research interest centers around the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on physician mental health, behavior and burnout. He is also a children’s book author and beekeeper. You can find his physician and patient blogs on DrBrianStork.com and follow him on Twitter at @StorkBrian.
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Dr. Brian Stork