inky silhouettes
in the golden light of dusk
a still life tableau
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inky silhouettes
in the golden light of dusk
a still life tableau
lone picnic table
viewed from my office window
remnant of summer
seeker of balance
upside down or downside up
fear of shattering
step by step by step
earthly stars beneath my feet
cushion frozen earth
a new year unfurls
surprises and challenges
seeking Ithaca
Happy New Year, Friends!
As we usher out the old and welcome in the new, the month of January can become a time of reflection and introspection. For more than a decade I have used the month of January as a time to observe and jump start creativity in the form of a daily haiku. I would welcome any companions on my haiku challenge — even if you don’t want to write each day. I invite you to follow me on Twitter @pamressler, Instagram @pamressler, where I will be using the hashtag #HaikuChallenge23. We can also do a bit of a “call and response” on this blog where I welcome your haiku in the comment section each day.
For a bit of a primer of haiku — they are simply brief mindful poems (that don’t rhyme :-) based in the present moment. You might want to use the familiar 5 — 7 — 5 syllables on three lines…or a more free form version. You can get a look at previous haiku by scrolling through my blog.
Looking forward to sharing haiku with you beginning tomorrow, January 1, 2023
meeting the world differently/
opening to dawn
nature’s nesting dolls/
fit perfectly together/
in their own order
snow is falling, wind howling/
sunshine in a jar
chose to walk not fly/
a shoreline meditation/
grounded to the sand
my gifts from the sea/
upon the kitchen counter/
reminders of then
layers and patterns/
with otherworldly textures/
gumbo limbo tree
entwined together/
a hug or a chokehold?/
one saves, one destroys
traded snow for sand/
grateful to recalibrate/
now time to return
shimmer of raindrops/
leaves stand tall despite a storm/
remain vibrant, bold
step by step by step/
foot gently kisses the earth/
transfer of wisdom
a quiet moment/
eyes meet in the foliage/
greet and coexist
patience rewarded/
low tide delivers treasures/
once hidden from sight
a moveable feast/
shorebirds indulge as sun fades/
call out in delight
an archway of reeds/
with the sentry standing guard/
he sounds the alarm