palette of winter —
intricate lace of branches
watercolor sky
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palette of winter —
intricate lace of branches
watercolor sky
a burst of color
jubilant on a gray day
unexpected gift
waiting and waiting
wrapped in a winter blanket
the world is muffled
winter antidote
aroma of cinnamon
warms from inside out
remnants of winter
seasons seem out of order
January warmth
study of contrasts
negative and positive
tangle of winter
winter morning calm
a frosted landscape revealed
alone with my thoughts
step by step by step
earthly stars beneath my feet
cushion frozen earth
traded snow for sand/
grateful to recalibrate/
now time to return
a winter amble
leads to meringue-like snow drifts
pristine and untouched
nature’s alchemy
changing landscape — green to white
wonderland appears
a dusting of snow
powered sugar laden leaves
winter confections
patiently waiting
under a blanket of white
adieu until spring
forlorn, leafless plant
inside for the winter months
transformed by baubles
new england footwear
golf socks inside winter boots
magical moment
nature’s meringue piled high
winter wonderland
crockpot comfort food
prepares us for cold, short days —
makes the dark tasty
bowl of winter pears
ripening at their own speed
not to be hurried
snow is arriving
summer is blooming indoors
grateful for the warmth
a bauble of red
juxtasposed on frozen marsh
mid-winter surprise