mimosa flower
symbolic of women’s strength
today and all days
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mimosa flower
symbolic of women’s strength
today and all days
just one year ago
springtime bulbs in my office —
have not been back yet
caught between seasons
autumn leaves encased in ice
waiting for spring thaw
wabi sabi day
beauty of imperfection
and impermanence
pushing through the earth
hope appears in many forms —
trust in renewal
mortar and pestel
put to aromatic use
grinding cumin seeds
homemade chicken soup
self care for body and soul
warms inside and out
noticing patterns
treasure box hidden away
now rediscovered
abandoned abode
once protected those inside
through life’s ebb and flow
cold winter morning
ice crystals dance on windshield
floating and twirling
now in my kitchen
but what stories could it tell
of other places
no two are the same
noticing their differences —
but all delicious
gentle suggestion
or a harsh admonishment —
depends on the day
solitary walk
along a well-traveled path
footprints left behind
a winter amble
leads to meringue-like snow drifts
pristine and untouched
stalactites of ice
warm and cozy in my cave
until the spring thaw
hats for little heads
off to meet their new owners —
bon voyage my friends
daily reminder —
sometimes hard to remember
to give hope a hug
noticing each flake —
grateful for the pause