Mindful Musings

As you may know during the month of January each year I host #haikuchalkenge (this year was #haikuchallenge19) where I write and post a haiku accompanied with an image each day and encourage others to participate with this mindful activity. While the haiku challenge lasts just one month, I encourage myself and you to find mindful moments frequently throughout the year and actually notice them while they are occurring…perhaps with a pause, perhaps by capturing with your senses or by describing with words or image. I look forward to sharing with you my mindful musings on my blog and I hope you will share yours.


hidden and silent

a grotto of snow awaits

sculptures for senses

Mindfulness Challenge Day 8 Haiku -- Yin and Yang

As the thermometer hovers between negative and positive numbers today, we in the northern parts of the United States bundle ourselves as best we can against the bitter cold, as we try and go about our daily business. The yin and yang of temperature -- must we experience bitter cold to appreciate warmth?

Yin and Yang

Icy, biting cold
Bright sunshine belies the temp
So grateful for warmth