Peony blossoms
opening with abandon
time for a party
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Peony blossoms
opening with abandon
time for a party
Measuring a day
armillary marks the hour
time moving forward
Swirls and flourishes
movement like a bird in flight
spiraling inward
Embracing the earth
space of shelter and safety
waiting to return
Swirls, whorls, and footprints
watermelon symmetry
revealed with a knife
Climbing hydrangea
testing my patience and trust
finally blooming
A regal iris
standing tall in the garden
despite her short reign
Carmine, raspberry
words can’t describe this color
fuschia, magenta
Birdsongs start early
before the rest of the world
Open the window
Covid has taken so much
but not the lilacs
With eyes wide open
tipping its face to the sun
Renewed usefulness
container of protection
a transformation
Pines at attention
needles splayed like fireworks
waiting for parade
Escher edifice
dark, light, movement and stillness
living and dying
Daylight is waning
vivid colors steal the show
hot pink finale
Appear delicate
but looks can be deceiving
serrated edges
Social distancing
Henry we need your wisdom
you were the master
The palest of pink
cherry blossom petticoat
curtsy in the breeze
Beavers hard at work
little by little each day
persistance matters
Pandemic journey
a daily dose of presence
haiku for two months